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Should I Run?

Running for office is not only a political decision but also a personal one. In this session, you will have the opportunity to ask the questions necessary to make the decision to run and to learn from elected officials and former candidates about their experiences running for office. The next election to consider is for Municipal Races on May 1, 2021. Filing ends February 13, so there is time for you to make your decision to run.

Whether you are thinking about running in 2021 or in the more distant future or have an interest in being an integral part of a campaign, please join us in a discussion of campaign components you’ll need to consider.

There are two sessions offered, each will be 2-hour Zoom sessions.

• Tuesday – January 12, 7:00 – 9:00 pm • Thursday – January 21, 7:00-9:00 pm

This training has been offered by CCDP several times in past election cycles and received positive feedback. If you have questions, contact Barb Walters at

Even though the CCDP Office is currently closed due to COVID, you can also call and leave a message 972-578-1483.

CANDIDATE TRAINING CCDP will also be offering Candidate Training before the close of the filing period. Check back with us for details.